Tag: Writers

  • A New Year’s Wish for Writers

    May we all find in 2016: “the best words in the best order” a horde of readers, all satisfied, challenged or entertained freedom for writers everywhere HAPPY NEW YEAR

  • The Courage of Writers

    This week I sat in a local diner with other writers who impressed me by their willingness to approach tough stuff. One had the courage to describe his mother in more or less balanced terms without the sentimentality or vitriol that inherently sneaks into this mother of all topics. Another wrote about her insecurity and…

  • 7 Degrees of Connection

     English novelist E.M. Forster said, “Only, connect.” Writers need other writers, not just their books, essays, and poems, but flesh and blood people. Well, the less blood spilled, the better. So here’s your assignment if you don’t already belong to a vibrant, extensive writing community. Scan bulletin boards at church, a coffee shop, your local community college;…

  • Read It Again

    Read and reread, that’s what I did in school when I studied.  My anatomy book was dog-eared by the end of the course. It felt like punishment, but rereading got me through all the sciences that I needed to learn as a nurse. Now I read mostly for pleasure, with a good dose of research mixed into…

  • Writing Is a Business

    You see that title? Do you believe it? I do, I do, but I have not always acted on that belief. Well, this week I got fed up with the helter-skelter nature of my work and decided to do something about the practical side of life.  Not the writing side. I’m compulsive about that, as my regular…